Sunday, May 20, 2018


May 20th, 2018.
Day One.

You know, originally I had planned to relaunch IC on the first day of the New Year.
Things happened, and for various reasons, the first post on the first day of of the year didn't happen.  Cue the self-imposed and probably unwarranted guilt.  Though to be honest, after some reflection...who out there really cared if I waited a day or thirty or not, right?  Or more?...I think that the waiting makes it better.  No, not better.  Perfect
But just a friendly warning: I'm not going to try to do this whole blog-thing perfectly.

Been there, done that, stressed myself out with early blogs, and it went badly.  Oh, no, I'm deciding right here and now that, much like the first draft of the novel I'm working on, it doesn't HAVE to be perfect.
Because let's face it, life isn't perfect, right?  We live and we work and we stress out over what we do and don't have and what we will or won't accomplish in our sometimes meaningless and fragile lives.  At least that's how I've always done it.  Why pretend, right?

Ahh, but pretending is what I do.  It's what I WANT to do.  It's what Imaginary Crayons is all about.  (Just in case you may have been wondering.)
Imaginary Crayons is all about the magic we all KNEW about when we were kids.

No, not the Harry Potter hocus-pocus stuff, or the Inner Peace and Healing crystal kind.  Not the Voodoo-Zombie-Summoning-stuff or even the kind that drives the folks that celebrate the Solstice with a midnight dance around Mother Tree.
No, the magic I'm talking about...the real the stuff that we lived for when we were young and fresh and didn't know better...or  maybe we DID know better, but just didn't care.
I'm talking about the kind of magic where the meaningful conversations we had weren't about whether or not Santa really existed and delivered presents all around the world in one night, but rather, whether his sleigh could fly faster than Superman and which of them would be better suited to fight off an alien invasion if it should ever come right down to it.
You see, I'm a just a kid who grew up and never stopped believing.  Not in Santa or the boogeyman, not in the Force or in True Love or in Good Guys in White Hats, or even the fact that we really ARE allowed to keep playing pretend the way we did when we were kids.  It's just that we just have to keep it more to ourselves sometimes, and we have to play a little quieter and find new ways to express our playtime.
For me, Imaginary Crayons, in all its blogish-silliness-and-glee IS going to be my playtime, and I invite you to play along.
This is the first post of many, many peeks into my mind and yeah, into the magic I still KNOW exists in the world around me.  Come join the fun!

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